Bienvenidos a

ö Very Yoga Studio

Yoga in Almería, Barcelona, ​​Madrid

yoga class barcelona almeria

Our philosophy

Yoga is much more than a discipline; it is a way of life. It allows us to connect our body, breath, and mind.

Among its benefits are improved flexibility, balancing of the nervous system, strengthening of muscles and bones, and bolstering of the immune system…

By practicing just 10 minutes a day, we will begin to notice benefits. This will serve as a stimulus to continue practicing it.

For us, yoga is a way to get to know ourselves, to connect with and listen to the needs of our body.


Yoga has always been associated with postures, but in truth, there are 8 other branches of yoga types!

For example, “Bikram Yoga” is practiced at 40 degrees Celsius, in a hot room to allow for better muscle stretching. It consists of performing 26 postures in a specific order.

“Ashtanga Yoga” is not for beginners and focuses on the physical aspect. The exercises are very fluid, very fast, and linked to breathing.

“Vinyasa Flow Yoga” coordinates movements with breathing. This is where we find the classic sun salutation.

Which one interests you the most?

Yoga classes at home

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the best at-home yoga classes in Almería. We will take care of everything, and you will learn the best yoga techniques from our top-notch instructors.


We have been in the market for many years, which allows us to consider ourselves true experts in yoga.

We are fortunate to be able to boast that we work in what we truly love.

And we are even luckier to be able to pass on our knowledge to our students.

It’s a privilege to have you with us and to be part of your progress!


Choose your Yoga teacher

You can choose your instructor yourself. We recommend selecting one based on your level, the type of yoga you want to practice, and where you want to practice it. A class designed for a business setting is not the same as one tailored for home practice.

yoga class barcelona almeria

Yoga for companies

There is no better way to connect with and get to know your team than by practicing yoga together.

It will be a moment of relaxation for the entire staff, where there are no bosses or subordinates, but rather people learning and enjoying a discipline as beautiful as yoga.

yoga beaches almeria


The contact with nature, the fresh sea water, the gentle breeze, the feel of the sand…

Disconnecting to connect in the midst of the digital age has never been so necessary.

Enjoy a retreat over a weekend and come back fully recharged.

We will take care of organizing everything!

Try our Yoga classes

If you’re still not sure… you can come and try.

We assure you that you’ll end up falling in love!